Tuesday, June 29, 2010

And the fall was great thereof:-)

Yesterday my parents did something that I never imagined they would do. Don't get me wrong my parents are not exactly adventurous people. My mom and dad will take a trip maybe once perhaps twice a year to a place like Branson or the Blue ridge Mountains. They are decent, hard working people that have never needed nor wanted lots of stuff. Of course if you know how they were raised then you understand what I am talking about.(I digress, back to the point). Yesterday my mom bought a Wii. They played ours at Christmas and loved it, they enjoyed the bowling, the tennis, the baseball but, I think they enjoyed watching the grandkids play it as much as anything. Ever since they have talked about getting one. Yesterday they quit talking and bought one. Terra and I went over she hooked it up. Dad and Zech played a game of tennis (Zech smoked him but, Dad ain't bad for 66:-) and then Dad and I bowled.

Dad was a beast, moving around and using that Wii remote expertly to throw strikes and spares. The only thing that made me nervous was mom and dad had put down hardwood floors and he was barefoot. He was stepping like he was throwing down a lane and I got so nervous thinking dad was going to slip and break a leg (thankfully he did not). Halfway through the game I was doing good and feeling pretty cocky when I forgot that I was in my socked feet. I stepped and I slung it with all my might and BAMMMM!!!!! CRASHHH!!!! BANG!!!!!! I fell to the floor!!!! Let me tell you, it hurt!!!! Thank God I did not break a bone or damage mom and dads house in anyway but it taught me a valuable lesson.

1) Do not play Wii on hardwood in socked/bare feet.
2) Do not be so worried about what every one else is doing that you forget to take care of your own business.
3) Proverbs 16:18 "Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty Spirit before a fall." Do not get lifted up in pride over anything you are doing (even a Wii bowling game) cause you might get brought down harder and faster than you ever thought:-)

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